A great Star Trek for non-fans!
“I’ve had a lot of fun listening to this series while working. As someone who has never been interested in Star Trek I’m shocked by how much I enjoy it. Rachel is hilarious and her songs are to absolutely die for…Highly recommended!”
-Christopher Hays
My Favorite Star Trek Podcast
“Most of the other Trek podcasts have episodes that are over an hour long on average, but they are so because they debate over the science and philosophy of trek to a depth only the nerdiest of nerds can appreciate, or they talk about their personal life ad infinitum. Rachel Watches Star Trek is so much better because the episodes are of a perfect length; they are structured, funny, and informative, and never boring; they’re a charming couple. I love the brief musical interludes, I reckon my favorite being the one for two-part episodes. The only downside is that the world may end before Rachel Watches Discovery.”
“This is one of the podcasts I look forward to every week. You guys are hilarious. Thanks for doing this!”
Rachel Watches Star Trek – greatness!
“It’s so great to see the series anew through the eyes of Trek-neophyte, Rachel. Nice to find things that are old-hat to me, being exciting to her. Ah, to see it for the first time again. It has been refreshing. And her husband, Chris, has been a gracious host and enabler as he discusses each episode as they explore from first to last all series in Star Trek. Keep it up guys. I laugh and shake my head as I listen to each episode.”
Wonderful Podcast
“Rachel and Chris are a wonderfully charming way to relive old Star Trek episodes. Rachel brings a fresh perspective to a show that we all probably know all too well. I am excited for every episode to come!”
Always Entertaining!
“This is a great podcast…Just be warned that Rachel will not let violations of the Prime Directive slide by without a justifiable critique. She is also keen to the fact that any Starfleet officers of flag rank encountered by the Enterprise crew are almost invariably engaged in some kind of nefarious activities. Check this podcast out. It’s more fun than wrasslin a pack of Denebian Slime Devils!”
High Level Charm & Wit 5/5
“A mixed Anglo-American couple provides thoughtful analyses of Star Trek episodes that are charming and funny. He’s a big time ST nerd and she’s the game neophyte. Highly-recommended!”
Pure Delight
“This is a smart, breezy romp through 1960s Americana with a contemporary eye for fashion, storytelling, scientific inquiry, and psychotherapy…If you haven’t seen the show in a long time, this is a fun way to reminisce without the time commitment. If you haven’t seen much or any of the show, you could try what Rachel has been doing and go through them one by one, with or without a loved one to talk about them afterwards. These two are an inspiration and are well worth a listen!”
-Jindo Fox
Awesome Concept, Great Show
“I really love this show…a smart, funny and insightful person giving her unspoiled first take on something most Americans have seen all their lives. Rachel is an Englandian who was cruelly deprived of TOS until she fell into the clutches of a geeky Yank…It really lets you see your familiar and loved TOS in a whole new light, but always with a great affection for the show. So worth listening to.”
Thank you to everyone who has posted a review on iTunes! You are so kind.