Chris Lackey, Co-Host
“I can not remember a world without Star Trek. My dad had me watching it when I was really little. He tells me I would cry when Kirk and Spock would fight. I still do.
I love all Star Trek. TNG, DS9, Voyager, even Enterprise, I love them. I love the new movies, I love the animated Filmation series. I just love Star Trek.“
Chris is the co-host of Strange Studies of Strange Stories (formerly the HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast). He’s also a writer, most recently of the comedy audio series Quiet & Bold in which he plays Randolph Bold, and graphic sci-fi novel Transreality.
Before Rachel dragged him to live in England, Chris worked in Los Angeles as an animator and artist. He lives in Yorkshire with Rachel and their two sons, Albert and Fini.
Rachel Lackey, Co-Host
“For as long as I can remember, I have not watched Star Trek. I was brought up not watching it, by parents with very clear views on what aspects of 1960s culture were acceptable. Star Trek was not for us. Plays, history and soul music were for us, Star Trek was for science-y types and I never considered watching it, even for a second.
Not much changed when I got together with Mr. Star Trek, nor when I married him in 2010. My only concession was watching (and enjoying) the film Star Trek (2009) but I would never watch the TV show. Or so I thought...”
Rachel is a psychotherapist working privately and for a charity in her hometown. She enjoys bringing a therapist’s perspective to the weird, wonderful and often inconsistent characters of Star Trek.
Rachel is also a voice actress, most recently playing Mrs Humble in Quiet & Bold and performing dramatic readings on the HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast and Pseudopod. Rachel is a former costume designer, so has a lot to say about the wacky designs of Star Trek - but most of all she loves to dance.
Rafe Ball, Producer
"I remember watching re-runs of The Original Series on the BBC in the early 80s – alongside Doctor Who, it was probably my earliest exposure to sci-fi, and started a life-long love of science fiction and fantasy. I really got grabbed by Trek with The Next Generation, but then Deep Space 9 came along and stole my Trek heart!”
Rafe tinkers around in the RWST Engine Room, helping out with the website and maintaining the Captain’s Logs (also known as the Excel sheets with all the scores). He'll occasionally catch the turbolift up to the bridge to join Chris & Rachel for the season debriefings.
Rafe is a Learning & Development Consultant and lives in Surrey with Rachel (no, a different Rachel - though she hears Chris and Rachel's voices so often she's half-convinced that they live in our house) and their daughter Hope. He’s also a fan of weird fiction (gee, I wonder what other podcast he might listen to…) and has recorded a number of weird tales for Librivox.
Executive Producers
Captain Eric S. Vallone MD
Commander Richard Wolfe
Triple Lt. Commander Alison Scott
Triple Lt. Commander Peter Larsen
Triple Lt. Commander Ben A
Lt. Commander Matthew Alsop
Lt. Commander Anne Edison Albright
Lt. Commander Clyde Duensing III
Lt. Commander Cryptocartographer
Lt. Commander Curt Orozco
Lt. Commander Daniel Wiley
Lt. Commander David Wetzel
Lt. Commander Dean Roundy
Lt. Commander Eric Gordon
Lt. Commander Forrest Rush
Lt. Commander Gordon Brown
Lt. Commander Grackles
Lt. Commander Greggie
Lt. Commander James Candalino
Lt. Commander James Fobes
Lt. Commander Jason Rainbird
Lt. Commander John Greene
Lt. Commander Joerg Sterner
Lt. Commander John Roe
Lt. Commander Mary Whitcher
Lt. Commander Neal Kaplan
Lt. Commander Phil Estabrook
Lt. Commander Quantumchaos
Lt. Commander Red Hook Dave
Lt. Commander Rhys Roberts
Lt. Commander Ruth Dunmire
Lt. Commander Steven Vincent
Lt. Commander Wesley Ingram
Lt. Commander William Smith
Lt Commander Zane Schwartfeger