Episode 20 - Tomorrow is Yesterday
This week, Rachel and Chris watch Kirk get deeper into time trouble by trying to
fix previous mistakes in the Tomorrow is Yesterday!!
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Special thanks to Chad Fifer for our theme tune and to Greig Johnson for his vocal stylings!
Episode 19 - arena
This week, Rachel and Chris watch Kirk battle for his life, and the life of his crew against a LIZARD MAN in the Arena!
Please, for the love of Kahless, support Our Patreon Page!
Special thanks to Chad Fifer for our theme tune, Greig Johnson for his vocal stylings and Kevin Macleod for his song Jaunty Gumption!
Episode 18 - The Squire of Gothos
This week, Rachel and Chris get their first real taste of an omnipotent trickster with The Squire of Gothos!
Please, for the love of Kahless, support Our Patreon Page!
Episode 17 - The Galileo Seven
This week, Rachel and Chris see what happens when giant cavemen attack and Spock is in charge on The Galileo Seven.
Please, for the love of Kahless, support Our Patreon Page!
Episode 15 - Balance of Terror
This week, Rachel and Chris recapture that old, submarine feeling with Balance of Terror!
Please, for the love of Kahless, support Our Patreon Page!
episode 12 - The Menagerie, Part 1
Rachel and Chris re-visit Talos IV, but now with court room drama!
Please join the Patreon Crew!
Special thanks to Chad Fifer for our theme tune and to Greig Johnson for his vocal stylings!
episode 14 - The Conscience of the King
This week, Rachel and Chris see what it’s like when you mix a little Shakespeare with your Star Trek, by covering The Conscience of the King. Spoiler alert! It’s delicious!
Please, for the love of Kahless, support Our Patreon Page!
Special thanks to Chad Fifer for our theme tune and to Greig Johnson for his vocal stylings!
episode 13 - The Menagerie, Part 2
Rachel and Chris go back to Talos IV to get their wildest dreams made reality!
Please join the Patreon Crew!
Special thanks to Chad Fifer for our theme tune and to Greig Johnson for his vocal stylings!
Next episode: The Conscience of the King!
episode 11 - The Corbomite Maneuver
Rachel and Chris get a poker lesson from Captain Kirk in this weeks episode, The Corbomite Maneuver. We’re not bluffing, this episode is better than Tranya!
Please, for the love of Apollo, support Our Patreon Page!
Special thanks to Chad Fifer for our theme tune and to Greig Johnson for his vocal stylings!
episode 10 - Dagger of the Mind
This week, Rachel and Chris get their mind meld on while watching the episode Dagger of the Mind!
In this episode, Kirk and Dr. Noel check out a Penal Colony whose administrator hands out cocktails like they’re going out of style!
Please, for the love of Kahless, support Our Patreon Page!
episode 9 - miri
This week, Rachel and Chris explore their childhood fantasy of living in a post apocalyptic world with no parents by covering the episode Miri!
In this episode, Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Rand go down to an exact duplicate Earth. Instead of freaking out about how amazing this is, they get distracted by a disease and some kids, then forget all about it.
episode 8 - What Are Little Girls Made Of?
This week, Rachel and Chris ask themselves What are Little Girls Made Of?
In this episode, Kirk and Chapel go down to a planet and meet some androids. Of course, the androids make an android Kirk. What more do you need?
episode 7 - Mudd’s Women
This week, Rachel and Chris fail to be charmed by Mudd’s Women!
In this episode, an intergalactic shyster shows up with three ‘beautiful,’ and mysterious, women. Everyone freaks out. Except for Spock. Because Spock is awesome.
episode 6 - The Enemy Within
This week, Rachel and Chris fight their inner demons while discussing The Enemy Within!
In this episode, due to a transporter accident, Kirk is split into two! One good and the other evil!
episode 5 - the naked time
This week, Rachel and Chris involuntarily release their inhibitions while discussing The Naked Time!
In this episode, a space disease makes people act drunk and hijinks ensue!
episode 1 - the cage
Join Rachel and Chris for the pilot episode of Rachel Watches Star Trek, as we delve into The Cage.
In this episode Spock smiles and “all ships’ doctors are dirty old men”. Let’s do this!