TNG’s The Outcast, with Matt Baume
By Season 5, letter writing campaigns were coming at Star Trek TNG thick and fast. They still had not offered any gay representation, despite an episode being written (and abandoned) in season 1. We’re joined by writer and pop culture critic Matt Baume, who specialises in queer culture and is a huge Trek fan, to examine TNG’s attempt to make a gay episode - and what they accidentally did instead.
Want more of our discussion with Matt? We’ve got a 30 minute bonus content interview for you here which is free for everyone on our Patreon - no need to sign up, though we’d love it if you did! We talk about 'The Host', Dax, George Takei, Discovery, Fraggle Rock and lots of other great stuff!
Check Matt out here:
And pre-order his upcoming book ‘Hi Honey, I’m Homo!’ here