Save Star Trek: Prodigy!
Save Star Trek: Prodigy!
If you haven’t heard the news, Paramount have cancelled Star Trek: Prodigy as part of a tax write-down - they're pulling season 1 off Paramount+ and will not be showing the practically already complete season 2
Help Prodigy find a new home by showing how much you want more! Check out this thread by Prodigy Exec Producer Aaron J. Waltke for details of how you can help - start by signing this petition.
We’re also making our normally Patreon-exclusive bonus ep on Prodigy, featuring Junior Cadets Albert and Fini Lackey, FREE in support of the Save Prodigy campaign! If you’re not familiar with Prodigy have a listen, or feel free to share the link to spread the word of the Protostar’s mission!