Episode 128 - Home Soil sci fi1980s TVComedy podcastspaceStar Trek the Next Generation Sep 10 Written By Rachel Lackey Yo! Yo! YO! Y'all ready to kick it with my home soil, silicon-based life-form? I know Rachel and Chris are! Data dodges lasers and rips a machine to shreds, Bev teams up with the computer to save the day and everyone wonders why do the Federation still only scan for carbon-based life? home soilseason 1hortaterraformingterraformnext genTNGpicard Rachel Lackey
Episode 128 - Home Soil sci fi1980s TVComedy podcastspaceStar Trek the Next Generation Sep 10 Written By Rachel Lackey Yo! Yo! YO! Y'all ready to kick it with my home soil, silicon-based life-form? I know Rachel and Chris are! Data dodges lasers and rips a machine to shreds, Bev teams up with the computer to save the day and everyone wonders why do the Federation still only scan for carbon-based life? home soilseason 1hortaterraformingterraformnext genTNGpicard Rachel Lackey